Want to make some quick easy money?
Lincoln ATM Solutions is always on the lookout for new profitable locations. If you know of a business or a location interested in acquiring an ATM machine you can be paid up to $250 for each accepted referral.
Each location must pre-qualify (Lincoln ATM Solutions must approves the location first), a 5 year contract signed by an authorized individual, and the ATM must be installed prior to you receiving your referral fee. Call us for more details.
Making money is simple:
Download our Sample Contract Agreement between ATM owner and Store Location.
Canvass your area for ATM locations, checkout our "List of locations to place ATMs" below for examples of where to look.
Have Lincoln ATM Solutions will pre-qualify the location by giving a call with address and estimate daily foot trafic (we aim for heavy foot trafic location).
Meet with the owner or person authorized to have an ATM placed in that location.
Have the location owner signed and/or have the location call Lincoln ATM Solutions with any questions.
If Lincoln ATM Solutions approves the location, we pay you your referral fee upon installation of the ATM.
This is not a complete list. If you know a business with heavy foot trafic that will benefit from the ATM free placement program, don't hesitate to check with Lincoln ATM Solutions if it can be pre-qualified.
Barber Shops
Coffee Shops
Beauty Salons
Cash only Restaurants
Convenience Stores
Check Cashing Stores
Amusements Parks
Auto Parts Stores
Bagel Shops
Bingo Halls
Bowling Alleys
Pizza Parlors
Rental Stores
Sandwich Shops
We place an ATM at your business for FREE, while you earn a commission for each transaction.
Businesses who have an ATM on-site boost their sales by 20-30%.
No credit card processing or transaction fees to pay. We do all the work, you get a cut of the profits.